Semiring Team members participated at the NSIN DIA 2021 Accelerator by FedTech working on a commercialization plan for IP from NSWC Crane labs.
The product has been called DanD-E-Lion
From the NSIN post:
“Meet DanD-E-Lion, a 2021 NSIN Defense Innovation Accelerator (DIA) team made up of entrepreneurs and scientists located in Bloomington, Indiana and Columbus, Ohio. The team members have deep experience in AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Science, large systems software engineering, high-performance/high-accuracy cloud, on-premises, and edge computing. DanD-E-Lion is a technology for data and text pre-processing to enable and speed up the generation of results for Data Scientists and Analysts who are confronted with time-consuming and costly data processing.”
There are some more links with info about our project on the different NSIN pages:
This was an intense journey so far, and it is not over yet, with an incredible team of experts, coaches, mentors, and inventors from a top DoD research lab. We are extremely grateful for being part of the 2021 cohort!